Lead the structure and infrastructure division/branch in Lithuania;
Act as a Production manager for civil engineers and draftsmen;
Plan and organize workflow and production mandates and offers;
Build and lead the high-performing team;
Have technical expertise on civil engineering, construction, BIM project management;
Ensure high quality of services;
Manage projects’ budgets and profitability;
Collaborate with the CSD-office in Switzerland;
Support company’s development activities.
Excellent leadership and team management experience;
University degree;
Fluent English;
Ability to communicate in French and/or German would be an advantage;
Experience civil engineering/construction;
Proven track record in engineering project management;
Visionary person with good overall business understanding;
Customer/needs orientation;
Trusted person.
Klausimai ir atsakymai
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Nuoroda į skelbimą bus pridėta automatiškai žinutės pabaigoje.