General accounting and bookkeeping for selected clients
Coaching and developing assistant team members
More than 5 years of experience in accounting and payroll
Good background with Lithuanian GAAP and tax laws
You speak fluent Lithuanian and very good English
Other language skills are an asset
You are communicative and you are happy to work as a team
Company offers
Salary consisting from base salary and annual bonus
Relaxed working environment and modern management style
Klausimai ir atsakymai
Užduokite klausimą:
Jūs galite pateikti klausimą darbdaviui. Klausimas atsiras skelbime iškart, kai tik darbdavys atsakys į jį. Lanktytojai negalės matyti jūsų el. pašto adreso.
Nuoroda į skelbimą bus pridėta automatiškai žinutės pabaigoje.